Ghosts in Umag: Soul tearing love (Last night in New York Book 3)
Přízraky v Umagu s novým podtitulem Duši trhající láska vyšla v angličtině na Amazonu. Je k dostání jako e-kniha pro Kindle nebo jako paperback:
Ghosts in Umag with the new subtitle Soul tearing love was published in English on Amazon. It is available as an e-book for Kindle or as a paperback:
It was already evening when Stano returned to Romeo and Ena’s house. Gloria, hearing him approach, became slightly nervous and began to rearrange the cutlery on the table. She didn’t want to leave anything on her, but she couldn’t. However, Stano was in a mood, so he didn’t pay much attention to Gloria. He walked into the house, noticed that she was in the dining room, wished her a good evening and ran off to the second floor. Gloria stood in the dining room, holding back tears. Something was wrong with her and she didn’t know herself. It was putting her in a lot of trouble. On the one hand, she wanted him to have a good time, on the other there was something like jealousy of his world gnawing at her – she couldn’t understand it, it was full of mystery to her, and she couldn’t pretend not to see it. She felt like a thief when she tried to look into it, and then she was afraid that he would punish her for it. And now it’s here. It’s happening. He’s not talking to her. I’m sure he can feel it! He knows! He knows she’s been spying on him.
Stano returns to Croatia, to Villa Prepotentan, which is a bridge to his past. He is reunited with his original family – Gloria, Valerian, Ruth, Celestina and also meets his old traveling friend Hyun Wook Park. What is his past trying to reveal to him? And will the ghost of the proud villa forgive him for his secret love of his youth?