New Jeff Buckley was born: Sometimes someone has to leave (Last night in New York Book 2)
New Jeff Buckley was born s novým podtitulem Někdy musí někdo odejít vyšla v angličtině na Amazonu. Je k dostání jako e-kniha pro Kindle nebo jako paperback:
New Jeff Buckley was born with the new subtitle Sometimes someone has to leave was published in English on Amazon. It is available as an e-book for Kindle or as a paperback:
Gwyneth grabbed Pavel’s arm. Pavel took that as a significant help. Suddenly he was completely reassured, greatly relieved. Gwyneth went to make him a strong cup of coffee. She was back in a minute. She was supporting Pavel’s head with one hand, giving him a drink with the other. Pavel slowly savored it. When he finished, Gwyneth was still holding his head, looking into his eyes. Gwyneth moved closer to him and pressed a kiss to his lips. They were moist, Pavel realized immediately. Soft, lively lips. She laid her head on his pillow, went to sit on the windowsill.
“See. It’s the same.” Pavel aimed accurately.
“It’s stupid to subordinate everything to sex. But I’m not as obsessed with sex as he is. I don’t have the need to be sexually satisfied like he does.” She spoke as if she didn’t even know that she had just pressed a kiss to Pavel.
She didn’t realize it at all. Or was Pavel dreaming it? He wasn’t sure of his rest.
Pavel found himself in New York against his will. He certainly didn’t want to stay there and now he has no choice but to struggle with his life. New York is both his prison and a place of release from his troubled past. Something like a higher destiny influences him, becoming an empty vessel for the souls of dead artists. The oppressive conditions that engulf him, the people he meets slowly unravel and untie his soul from its earthly suffering. The story told from end to beginning gives the story a second dimension, eventually time goes in all directions.